• Rupert House is academically inspiring

  • Rupert House is co-educational

  • Rupert House is at the heart of Henley

  • Rupert House is active

  • Rupert House is for life

Head’s Blog

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  • 13/10/23

    13th October 2023

    It has been a week full of Harvest preparations. Thank you to everyone for your incredibly generous donations to the NOMAD foodbank.
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  • 06/10/23

    6th October 2023

    Well done to everyone who took part in Race for the Kids this morning and for your generous donations to the Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity.
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  • 29/09/23

    29th September 2023

    This week we celebrated European Day of Languages by talking about the enjoyment of learning languages with the children and discussing why it is so beneficial for the way we communicate with people internationally.
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  • 22/09/23

    22nd September 2023

    Following last week's assembly, in which I introduced the school's values of Courage, Creativity, Respect and Resilience, all of which are underpinned by Kindness, this week we focused on Courage.
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  • 15/09/23

    15th September 2023

    Everyone seems to have settled back into the swing of things so well this week, especially the younger ones in Nursery and Reception and all the new children who joined us further up the school.
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  • 30/06/23

    30th June 2023

    Henley Royal Regatta and Prep performance week always come along at the same time and this makes for a fun, busy week at school.
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  • 16/06/23

    16th June 2023

    The school has been a hive of activity this week. It has been wonderful to see so many parents in and around school for our Show and Tell sessions, the ABRSM concert and, of course, to join in with the excitement of Sports Day today.
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  • 09/06/23

    9th June 2023

    It has been wonderful to welcome so many parents and grandparents into school this week to hear them talk about the countries they originate from or have a specific interest in, as part of our International Week.
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  • 19/05/23

    19th May 2023

    This morning we held our second Open Morning of the academic year.
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  • 12/05/23

    12th May 2023

    I hope everyone has recovered from the long weekend of celebrations.
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  • 05/05/23

    5th May 2023

    I would like to start this week’s newsletter by mentioning the Great School Run which took place at Stonor Park on Sunday 30th April.
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  • 28/04/23

    28th April 2023

    It is hard to believe we are already at the end of the second week of term. Preparations for the Oliver performance are well underway and it is always a joy to hear the songs being sung with such enthusiasm each time I walk past the music room.
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