• Rupert House is academically inspiring

  • Rupert House is co-educational

  • Rupert House is at the heart of Henley

  • Rupert House is active

  • Rupert House is for life

Inspection Reports

A team of inspectors from ISI spent two and a half days with us right at the start of term observing lessons, speaking to pupils and staff, and reviewing our data, policies and compliance.

We were delighted that the inspectors recognised many of the school’s strengths and the characteristics at the heart of a Rupert House education. In particular, the inspectors' comment that:

  1. Pupils embrace the school’s values of courage, creativity, respect and resilience which are underpinned by kindness… They are courageous and resilient towards educational challenge and new opportunities.
  2. Pupils are confident speakers who converse and debate in a balanced and engaging manner. Pupils are tolerant, active and sympathetic listeners and they understand and place genuine value on what others have to say.
  3. Pupils behave well, supported by leaders and staff who act as positive role models. Pupils understand how to conduct themselves so that the school environment is calm and orderly… Respect and tolerance underscore both the school’s caring environment and pupils’ confidence in establishing warm and meaningful relationships

Under the old framework, it was possible to attain judgements such as ‘excellent’ in a number of different areas, however, now it is a simply a case of whether the standards are met, or otherwise. There are 5 separate areas all of which need to be compliant, and there are a number of standards which make up each of these areas:

  • leadership, management and governance
  • quality of education, training and recreation
  • pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • pupils’ social and economic education and contribution to society
  • safeguarding

Rupert House met all these standards. The inspectors gave SMT and members of the Wishford team verbal feedback at the end of the inspection, in which they were extremely complimentary about the school and all those involved with it.

The Inspection Report (which you canview below) contains a summary of their findings and ‘Recommended next steps’, areas which they feel we should focus on going forward, as well as more detailed findings in each of the above 5 areas.