3rd November 2023

We have had a busy return to school with Halloween on Tuesday when a number of the children took part in themed classroom activities and we all enjoyed a spooky lunch.
I spoke with the children about the Christian and pagan origins of Halloween in Assembly on Monday and hopefully your children will be able to share with you something of the interesting background to the occasion.
There have been numerous sports fixtures and the Year 2 children enjoyed a move up afternoon with Year 3 on Wednesday, where they enjoyed a taste of life in the Prep part of the school. Finally, the Year 5 and 6 children completed their assessments this week. They did so with great maturity, and I hope they can now relax into the weekend.
Act of Remembrance
On 10th November we will hold our annual Act of Remembrance at school. Parents are invited to attend the event, and to join us for tea and coffee afterwards. There is more information on this below. Also, I would like to mention Thomas, in Year 4, who has been actively helping his Grandfather sell poppies in the local community, come rain or shine, to help raise money for the Royal British Legion. He and his brother have raised over £500 so far which is fantastic. Whilst each of the children will be given a poppy on Friday morning and £1 will be added to their bill by way of a charity donation, Thomas will be selling poppies outside school and other British Legion merchandise to parents in the morning at drop off throughout next week. He will be based outside Courtneys on Monday morning and will he will then alternate each day between there and the Big Blue Door. He can take cash, or there is a QR code for online payments.
Thank you for your patience with the transition to the new uniform. Stevensons are opening a new store in Reading on 2nd January 2024 which will stock Rupert House uniform. If they do not have what you need in stock when you visit, they will order it to be sent to you, as is currently the case.
Please ensure your child's coat is in school each day, and they may wear either this or their blazer into school through these winter months until further notice. With frequent wet conditions, we are still keen for the children to be outside as much as it is possible, and coats are necessary for this to happen.
Good luck to all those taking part in the Chiltern Edge Cross Country tomorrow. Rupert House are doing very well in the series so far and it would be great if we could have full teams of three participants in each year group from Years 1 to 6 take part! I hope to be there to cheer you on.
Best wishes,
Nick Armitage