20th September 2024

Firstly, I would like to thank all those parents who helped with and also attended our Centenary Ball on Saturday.
The evening was a wonderful way to celebrate 100 years of Rupert House and we have received some lovely feedback. It was great to see a number of alumni at the event, including past pupils, parents and teachers. One of these teachers was delighted to be reunited with a couple of pupils from her Year 2 class (now 18 years old) who took her onto the dancefloor! I was most grateful to all those parents who so kindly helped with the set-up and then the tidy-up afterwards. Do look out for the report of the evening in this week’s Henley Standard.
On the subject of alumni, a former pupil was passing the school this week, saw that it was the school’s centenary and popped in to say hello. She is 94 and was a pupil at the school when it was known as St Joan's with just 40 pupils! It was fascinating to hear her stories and we very much hope that she will come back again to talk to the children.
In my assembly this week I talked about Creativity, another of our school values. I particularly focused on the incredible ways Paralympic athletes have developed creative solutions in order to compete at the very highest level in their chosen sports.
Today we practised what to do if the need arises for a Lockdown (or 'Safe in Place', as we refer to it) scenario in school. Having discussed this with the children in assembly beforehand, staff were most impressed with the calm way the children responded to the situation.
Yesterday I met with the Heads of the other Wishford Prep Schools and it was fascinating to discuss our shared culture and values. We focused on the importance of continuing to give the very best educational experiences for our children, the value we all place in the school community and we discussed the ways in which we can further develop our wrap-around and holiday club provision among other topics.
New Holiday Clubs
I am pleased to announce that we are going to be offering new holiday camps from October Half Term, working with Discovery Camps, which is part of the Wishford family. Their camps have run very successfully in a number of the other schools and we have been most impressed with the team who will be organising them at Rupert House. The first camps this coming Half Term will be a Netball one in conjunction with the Henley Hawks and also an exciting STEM camp. Please see HERE for more information. More camps are being planned for the Christmas holidays before more general ones commence in the new year as well as other specialist ones.
Cross Country
Well done to all the children who took part in the first event in the Chiltern Edge Winter Race Series at Greys Court on Saturday. There was a fantastic turn-out from children across the school and everyone gave their best efforts around what was a challenging course. The next event takes place at Chiltern Edge School on 12th October. All pupils in Years 1 to 6 are welcome to attend these events.
Alumni Tea Party and Open Morning
We are combining an Alumni Tea Party with our Centenary Community Open Morning which takes place on 27th September from 9am to midday. On this occasion, as the name suggests, we are inviting the wider community and alumni to the event, as well as prospective parents, current parents and their families. If you have family members, friends or neighbours who may like to come and look around the school, please do let them know about the event. There will be refreshments provided and the opportunity to tour the school and chat to pupils. If you or anyone you know would like to come along, please complete this short form so that we can plan the event accordingly: https://forms.office.com/e/R79BNfGs0A
School uniform
Please can I remind you that after a 2 year transition, we have now fully moved to the new school uniform and expect all pupils to be dressed in the correct kit. If you are unsure of the uniform for your child, there is a handy guide which can be found HERE and on the website and school portal. All clothing should have the new school logo, except for blazers which can have either the old or new version.
Mrs Eccles has very kindly been sorting the old school uniform donations and taking them over to Africa for us, where they are gratefully received by the Mukuru Centre in Nairobi. She still has a large amount to take and would therefore be very grateful for any old wheely suitcases that you may have at home that you no longer need. Please bring them into the front office at drop off or pick up. The last date to bring in old uniform is Friday 27th September. Please can we ask that any items brought in have been washed beforehand. After this date, parents will need to take their old uniform directly to a textile recycling facility please.
Rupert's Troopers
Well done to parents Birte Hayes and Ben Forbes who ran the Thames Ultra Marathon last weekend. Birte ran an incredible 100km and Ben beat his 50km PB - amazing! Rupert House has a parent WhatsApp group called Rupert's Troopers which is open to anyone to join. You do not have to be super fit, but simply enjoy exercise and new challenges. We have had parent teams at events such as the Tough Mudder, Nettlebed Stinger, Henley Half Marathon and Club to Pub Swim in recent years and it would be great to start planning our next challenge! If you would like to join the group, please email jenny.ovstedal@ruperthouse.co.uk. You are also most welcome to join us for Running Club at 8am on Friday mornings. We meet by the Arch Door in front of school.
School video
Towards the end of last term, we shot a new school video. You may have seen the short version on the Rupert House social media channels. The full version is available to watch here, which we hope you and your children will enjoy! https://youtu.be/JV1oTHusgRY?si=mNdnDe1XUpMGzW7g
Individual and Sibling Photographs
A reminder that photographs are being taken on Monday morning, so please ensure your children come into school looking smart and wearing the correct uniform. We will do our best to keep them looking that way until the photographs have been taken!
I hope you all have a restful weekend.
Best wishes,
Nick Armitage