Remembering Susannah Boddie
It is with great sadness we share with you the tragic news that Susannah Boddie, 2007 leaver and former head girl of Rupert House School, passed away last Friday morning following a cycling accident in Italy.
Alice Lowe, one of Susannah’s closest school friends, paid the following tribute:
Susannah was an inspiration to us all. As well as having an extraordinary mind, graduating with a First from the University of Cambridge in a Systems Biology Masters and being at the forefront at Number 10 in the UK Government’s COVID response, Susannah was also an incredible athlete and horse rider, having competed in countless marathons, triathlons and riding competitions, as well as being in training for an upcoming Ironman in October. Susannah managed to cram more achievements into her 27 years than many people do in their lifetime; she truly was remarkable.
Above all, Susannah was the most dedicated, loyal and kind friend anyone could ask for, and I feel enormous gratitude to have grown up beside her. I have so many glorious, happy memories of our time at Rupert House. Together, we became butterflies, angels, Aztecs, pirates, Latin-speaking aliens (!) and Maasai warriors in our cherished (and often wacky) school plays. We wiled away hours in the art room, up to our elbows in pipe cleaners, feathers and googly eyes, furiously working away at our beloved art projects which we were fiercely proud of and brought us such joy. We conquered fearsome spelling tests, Maths Challenges, LAMDA performances and entrance exams, and overcame dastardly enemies on the hockey, rounders and athletics fields. It really was the most special time, and I will forever cherish these memories of my school days with my darling friend, Susannah.
To honour Susannah’s memory, friends and family across the world will be joining a 5K Park Run event this Saturday, followed by brunch. Susannah was the mastermind behind these infamous ParkbRUNches, a phrase she had coined, and it was her absolute favourite way to catch up with friends and enjoy a pastime she loved so much. It would mean a lot to Susannah’s loved ones if as many people as possible who knew Susannah participate in a Park Run event on Saturday, wearing light blue, and share photos from their run.
We will miss Susannah beyond measure and she will continue to inspire us for the rest of our lives. The world is truly a much poorer place without her.