Photography competition winners announced

Over half-term we held a Spring photography competition. The brief was to capture the signs of Spring, paying particular attention to the changing colours in nature.
Children from across the school submitted photographs taken during their break. We had such a wonderful variety of wonderful images that it was incredibly difficult for Mrs Poulter to pick the winning entries (see below).
Well done to all those who entered, we thoroughly enjoyed seeing your photos.
Pre-prep winner -Darcey Campbell
Taken from an interesting angle, this photograph has super colour and movement. The silhouettes of the branches remind us it isn’t quite yet Spring, but the clear blue sky gives us hope.
Pre-prep runner up - James Goodson
This swan is in charge! There is no doubt who will be first in line for any snacks. The choppy waves on the Thames also echo the antagonistic mood, giving this photograph drama.
Pre-prep runner up - Emilia Chater
A beautiful calm and restful photograph showing the very best of where we live. It reminds us how lucky we are here in South Oxfordshire.
Prep winner - Emilia Milward
What vibrant and dazzling colours and light! The freezing chill of the ice is slightly softened by the beginning of a thaw at the tips of the icicles. A feast for the eyes!
Prep runner up - Lucas Emmett
Gorgeous snowdrops daring to make an appearance give us a feeling of positivity and help us look forward to a brand-new season.
Prep runner up - Chloe James
A super composition! The beautiful warm light on the horizon looks quite shy as it is balanced by shadow and looming clouds, all framed by dark branches and hedgerows.