Maths Week England

This week is 'Maths Week England' and the children have participated in several cross curricular maths activities including playing ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ in French, organised by Madame Sheriff and using their knowledge of measurement and metric units in DT with Mr Whitfield.
In their DT lessons, Year 4 were looking at linear measurement, working in mm and then calculating areas of their projects. They also did a comparison of metric and imperial measurements, some even managed to convert from one to the other.
Year 3 were looking at the rings in the wood to see how old it was and measured to see how much it grew per year.
Year 6 also enjoyed an online workshop with Vicki Neale from University of Oxford Mathematical Institute on Tuesday afternoon. They learned to form parabolas and predicted, and then investigated, how a parabola changes given different shapes or axes as the starting point.
On Wednesday, another group of Year 6 children took part in a further online event called ‘Surprise, Surprise!’ run by Douglas Buchanan, who visits Rupert House every year to run our Year 5 Maths Challenge. Douglas loves to demonstrate that Mathematics is not just about text books, and encouraged the children to use different strategies and to work collaboratively in order to solve a number of puzzling activities.