Decked out for a cause

On Tuesday 3rd December 2024, Sahara House held their House Charity Day in order to raise money for the Refugee Support Group (formally Reading Refugees).
This was a child-led charity day, and the children in Sahara decided that they wanted to raise money under the theme of “Wear Something Christmassy!”
The idea behind this was to celebrate Christmas (with it finally being December!) while also being aware of our privilege, and understanding that not everyone is lucky enough to celebrate a safe Christmas at home with their families. In our House Assemblies on Tuesday, the children learned about what a refugee is, and how the Refugee Support Group helps refugees in Berkshire by assisting them with finding a safe place to live, finding jobs, learning English and finding doctors and dentists.
The children came to school looking very festive indeed, and it was fantastic to see all of the sparkles, hats and hilarious Christmas jumper slogans. Overall we raised £185.19 for the Refugee Support Group, which is a fantastic amount of money for a very important charity.
If you would like to donate more to the Refugee Support Group to help support refugees in the area this Christmas, you can follow this link: Support Refugees to Integrate in Berkshire where any donations will be doubled until the goal of £16,000 is reached, up until 10th December.
Thank you so much to everyone for your generous donations at school; your money will support people seeking asylum and often the Refugee Support Group is their last port of call.
Mrs Clough and Sahara House