6th December 2024

It was wonderful to see so many Parents and Grandparents in school this week for the Pre-Prep Christmas plays.
The children put on wonderfully festive performances with lovely loud, clear speaking and singing voices. Thank you to the staff for working so hard to produce the shows and to you, the parents, for supplying the wonderful costumes and helping children learn their lines!
Head of Pangbourne College
Thank you to those who came to the Meet the Head Coffee Morning with Oli Knight from Pangbourne College yesterday. It was fascinating to hear about his plans for the College as he comes to the end of his first term there. If you would like a copy of their prospectus, please do ask Penny in the Office. Many congratulations to Milly and James, who have just heard they have been offered places at Pangbourne and to Alice, who has a place at Cranford.
A week of sport
Children in Years 3 to 6 had a week full of sport with inter-house cross country and football taking place. Yesterday, Mr Wuestner and Miss Gibbon took a group of children from Years 3 to 6 to LVS Ascot for our second ever swimming gala. The children really enjoyed the competition and they swam really well, which was reflected in the incredibly close result. LVS only just beat us on points with their 122 to our 115.
Please don’t forget that it is the third race in the South Oxfordshire winter race series tomorrow and Rupert House is currently coming first overall! It would be great to have full teams in all year groups so please do bring your children along if you can. Everyone in Years 1 to 6 is welcome to take part.
As if that weren't enough, we hope lots of you and your children will join us for the Santa Run at 10am on Sunday from outside Leander Club. It is always such a fun occasion, which we are again sponsoring with very tasteful free Rupert House-branded Christmas hats for all those taking part. Please do come dressed in your finest Christmas attire and be ready to work up an appetite for the delicious mince pies and hot chocolate for all finishers.
St Mary’s Church Christmas Tree festival
Mrs Pettifer and Mr Vigano took a group of Year 6 children to St Mary’s Church on Monday after school to decorate the Rupert House Christmas tree at the Henley Christmas Tree Festival. This is a great initiative to raise money for the church. You will see the trees when you come along to the carol service next week – they make the church look very festive! There are some incredibly creative themes and decorations and it is well worth going back to see them properly. There is more information about the Tree Festival here.
Mince Pies and Mulled Wine
I would like to invite parents and siblings of Year 6 pupils to join us for mince pies and mulled wine at the church after the carol service on Friday. Please RSVP here.
Week ahead
We are looking forward to all the festivities happening next week. Please note that on Tuesday, after the Christmas Fair, collection is at 3.45pm for all children from Nursery to Year 6. We have our final assembly on Thursday afternoon and will be concluding the term with our carol service on Friday at 2pm. Mrs Light and the children have been working very hard to prepare for this and I would like to thank all the parents who have come along to choir rehearsals in reparation for what is going to be a very special service.
Please see this document for updated details on the final week of term.
I look forward to seeing lots of you at the cross country tomorrow and at the Santa Run on Sunday!
Best wishes,
Nick Armitage