29th April 2022

It has been lovely to see the children return to school this week, full of energy and excitement, and with so much to look forward to this term. In Assembly on Wednesday morning, I showed a picture of Tigger, who personified our excitement about all the Summer term has to offer, and I talked about the importance of the children being 'glass half full' in their approach to focusing on positives.
It was lovely to welcome our new starters this term: Victoria in Nursery, Asia Rose in Reception, Joshua and Ariana in Year 2 and Kam in Year 3. The other children have been incredibly welcoming and I have enjoyed watching the new children getting to know their classmates over the last few days. George and India, our two GAP students from the Autumn term, have returned, having both managed to fit in some travelling in-between and the children have welcomed them back with open arms.
Stop Food Waste Day
The Year 6 children challenged the rest of the school on Wednesday to consider how we could reduce the amount of food that is wasted. Delicious smoothies and soup were made by using up fruit and vegetables which the children served.
We were all very excited to welcome Doug McArthur, our new member of the Sports team, on Wednesday. Doug has taken over as form teacher of 5L and has settled in very smoothly, bringing great energy, enthusiasm and enjoyment and the children have warmed to him instantly.
It was super to have over a quarter of the Prep children and a number of parents join us for our first Summer Term running club this morning. We are looking forward to The Great School Run which we are organising for those at local schools aged 3-16 and also parent runs, at Stoner Park on Saturday 18th June. We hope that lots of our children will want to take part and that they will bring any siblings at other schools as well. We will be keen please for parents to volunteer to help in various ways on the day nearer to the event. More details of the run will follow, but please do save the date in your diary!
International Week
Many thanks to those parents who have already offered to be involved in the planned International Week commencing on 16th May. If you are willing to share with the children your expertise and passion for a particular country or language, please could you contact Madame Sheriff, who is coordinating all the very exciting ideas! More information can be found below.
Open Morning
We are organising an Open Morning for current and prospective parents on Wednesday 18th May. If you would like to attend, please could you contact Mrs Halfhead at the earliest opportunity so that we can plan for the numbers who will be visiting.
Blazers and Coats
The children have all looked very smart coming to school and departing in their blazers and many thanks for your support in them doing so. Please could we ask that their school coats remain in school so that they can be worn if it is colder or wet at breaktimes and at other times.
The first trips of the term go out next week, with the Reception children visiting the Fire Station and Year 4 off on their PGL residential. I hope they all have a wonderful time and wish I were going myself!
Upcoming Coffee Mornings
The first of this term's coffee mornings is for Year 3 parents next Thursday at 8.30am on the lawn. I hope to see many of you there. Please do make a note of the dates of the subsequent events which are listed on My School Portal.
I will stop typing at this point to take the Year 6 rowers for their first session at Henley Rowing Club. There is much excitement all-round! I hope you have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and I look forward to seeing your children on Tuesday morning.
With best wishes,
Nick Armitage, Head