26th January 2024

In this week’s Monday morning assembly, we were joined by Alfie Hay, from Henley Youth Festival, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year and begins on 2nd March. He talked to all the children about the Festival – how it works, why it exists and how the children can get involved.
We also had drama workshops for the Pre-Prep children on Monday which were great fun, and a Coffee Morning on Tuesday which gave parents the opportunity to meet the Pastoral Team at Rupert House and hear about all they do to support your children. Thank you to everyone who came along.
The Year 5’s had a busy week, with some of the children going to the Oxfordshire County cross-country event at Radley on Tuesday and the whole year group attending creative STEAM workshops hosted by Leighton Park School on Thursday.
School Council
The School Council met this week to talk about sanctions in school. They had an interesting discussion with Mrs Newman about the time-out process and then presented a summary of their meeting to the rest of the school on Thursday in assembly. You can find out more about this here.
House Music Competition
As we turn our attention to the House Music Competition, there has been much excitement in Years 3-6 this week, with the Houses busily discussing and voting for their 80’s themed House Song to perform. This year, the final of House Music will take place on Tuesday 12th March at Henley Town Hall. In addition to the House Song (involving everyone in Prep, including House staff!), each House will be represented by three soloists and one group. These performances will be chosen following auditions throughout the school in the weeks commencing 19th and 26th February, and parents will be warmly invited to come into Music and Performing Arts lessons to watch. More information about this exciting event will follow shortly, with every child who auditions contributing to their House's overall points total, so please encourage your child to enter!
Comic collection
Please could pupils bring in any old comics you may have lying around at home to the DT room. Mr Whitfield needs them to use for decouge at DT Club.
Movie Night
Next Friday (2nd February) is the much-anticipated Movie Night for children in Years 1-6. The Friends have put a lot of work into organising a fun night for the children, so if you have not done so already, do make sure you get your ticket here! If your child is coming along, please make sure you read the information below as it explains the logistics of the event.
Dr Cassie’s talk on ‘Sleep difficulties in Children’
If you would like to attend but have not yet signed up to the very important talk by Dr Cassie which will take place here in school on Thursday 8th February at 3pm, please do so here.
There was a super turnout for Running Club this morning and it was wonderful to have so many parents join us as well! Please do come and join us if you have not done so already and we ask that any children below Year 3 are accompanied by an adult. We leave at 8am from the Arch Door at the front of school.
Finally, thank you to Othello in Year 5 for our new newsletter header image which features our iconic big blue door and boat on the River Thames being rowed by our much-loved therapy dog, Quincy!
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
With best wishes,
Nick Armitage