24th February 2023

The school has been a hive of activity this week with many of the children going swimming, outdoor learning, to forest school and to play in sports fixtures.
Also, a number of the children in the Prep school visited various different places on external trips: Year 3 went to the Verulanium museum, Year 4 to The Living Rainforest and Year 6 to the Trenchard Museum. You can read all about their adventures and view some photos in the news story below.
Today we welcomed Matthew Judd, Head of Leighton Park School (mixed) in Reading, for a ‘Meet the Head’ coffee morning. It was a great opportunity to hear all about the school and its ethos, and he has inspired me to think further outside the box when it comes to our pupils and their transition from Rupert House to their chosen senior school.
It was wonderful to see so many parents at the Pre-Prep and Year 3 parents’ evenings on Monday and Tuesday, and I now look forward the next set of Prep meetings in a couple of weeks’ time.
Upcoming events
- We have Muddy Stilettos coming in to visit and review the school next week. Also, Year 2 are going on a trip to the Brighton Aquarium on Wednesday and Thursday is World Book Day. World Book Day is always one of the most colourful days in the school calendar and everyone enjoys dressing up as one of their favourite literary characters! You will find details about these below.
- The auditions for our summer Prep production Oliver! are being held next week, on 1st March, and the children are very excited. You can find out more detail about this and the other upcoming music events this term in the letter from Mrs Pedley in the Whole School news section below.
- Good luck to everyone taking part in the Maiden Erlegh cross-country races tomorrow morning. I hope to be there to cheer you all on!
- Thank you so much to everyone who has filled in our survey about the upcoming Centenary. If you have yet to do so, we would be grateful if you could complete it (link here) by Monday next week so that we can start to plan some exciting events for the whole school community.
I had a wonderful visit from the Reception children today who were celebrating Mardi Gras – they wore their masks with pride and played their instruments in a parade around the entire school – wishing each class a ‘Happy Mardi Gras’. They had us all dancing and smiling our way into the weekend!
Best wishes,
Nick Armitage