1st October 2021

It has been lovely to receive so many stunning works of art this week, following the request for new pictures to be created in school in order to brighten up my office. It was a particular pleasure to be visited by the Reception children yesterday and the Nursery children this morning, and to hear about how they had created their delightful collaborative piece!
Despite Autumn now being well and truly upon us, it was wonderful that so many of you attended the postponed Friends Summer party last night. With delicious food prepared by Sage & Squash and live music courtesy of former Voice star, Adam Isaac, we enjoyed a lovely evening at Oaken Grove Vineyard. My huge thanks go out to Sarah Morbey and her team of Friends who made the event a reality, despite the best efforts of COVID and the weather to conspire against them.
I was delighted to hear of so many of our children having taken part in the cross-country event last Saturday and it was a pleasure to give out many medals and certificates in Assembly last Monday. In our Celebration Assembly on Thursday, 5L spoke clearly and confidently about the extraordinary range of hobbies they enjoyed between them, from climbing to boxing and skateboarding to dancing. Their willingness to share their passions with the rest of the school, in front of all their peers, was most impressive and is great public-speaking experience to have under their belt. I am sure they will have inspired a number of the children to try new hobbies.
I have no doubt that many of your children will have a busy weekend ahead of them, and best of luck to those who are again running tomorrow morning.
With best wishes,
Nick Armitage, Head