19th April 2024

Well, it was quite a start to the Summer Term, with a telephone call from the Inspectors on our first day back!
I am pleased to report that the Inspection went well and the team were highly impressed with the children, who they commented upon as being confident, articulate and happy in their discussions with them, which I was delighted to hear. The staff coped admirably with the additional pressure of meetings and observations right at the beginning of term, and I am most grateful to all the parents who so kindly filled in the survey, which was overwhelmingly positive and supportive. We will receive the full report in the second half of term and I will of course share more details at that time.
We were fortunate that the inspection happened on a relatively quiet first week back after the Easter holidays as next week starts to get busy. Year 6 are set to launch their ‘Make £5 Grow’ project on Monday, we have class photos and Year 6 group photos being taken on Tuesday, while the Year 6 pupils will have their second rowing session and their ESB presentations. To conclude the week, there will be a cake sale hosted by Year 5 on Friday.
Please remember that your children should wear summer uniform this term, including blazers. Blazers will be worn for the photographs on Tuesday.
Pre-Prep (including Reception): Boys in striped shirts, navy shorts and navy ankle socks. Girls in summer dresses with white ankle socks. Navy jumper or cardigan.
Prep – Boys in striped shirts, navy shorts and short navy ankle socks. Girls in Year 3 and 4 wear summer dress with white ankle socks (not trainers socks) and Year 5 and 6 wear striped shirt with navy skirt and navy ankle socks. Navy jumper or cardigan.
Please can your children wear the new uniform if they have it (navy and white striped shirts and dresses). The yellow and blue stripes and white shirts will not be part of the uniform after this term.
The Great School Run
I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the Education Henley Great School Run at Stonor Park on Sunday. We have a record number of adults and children signed up to run and hopefully there will be even more as it is possible to sign up on the day if you haven’t done so already. You don’t have to be seasoned runners to take part – it is a fun community event that anyone is welcome to join, including parents! There is no cost to run, but there is a suggested donation of £2 per runner for a local charity called Be Free Young Carers. The Run starts with the parent races at 9.30am. You can view the routes and find out what to bring in the ‘whole school’ section below. Many thanks to the Stonor family for so kindly hosting the event again.
Find out more about the run here: The Great School Run of Henley - Home
Donate here: The Great School Run of Henley is fundraising for Be Free Young Carers (justgiving.com)
The Prep residential trips are all coming up this term, starting with the Year 6 trip to France on 29th April and the Year 4 trip on 1st May. Please make sure you have read all the information, completed all the relevant forms and handed in to the Office all the required documents by the stated deadlines. There are letters below with further information and some require responses where indicated.
International Week
The languages department is busy organising Rupert House International Week (week commencing 3rd June). Our theme this year will be ‘Respect’ and the children will celebrate diversity - learning about different countries, traditions, customs, languages and culinary delicacies. It would be fantastic to have as many parents come into school during International Week as are willing to in order to share their expertise or knowledge of a specific country or language with the children. If you might be interested in doing so, please contact your child(ren)’s form teacher. Thank you!
Catholic church service at Stonor Chapel
There will be a family friendly Catholic church service at Stonor Chapel this Sunday (21st April) at 9.30am. The Stonors would like to welcome any Rupert House families who are interested to come along. For those coming when you arrive please park at the Tumblestone Hollow Visitor car park and come to the chapel at the side of the house.
I hope that you all have a restful weekend.