18th November 2022

This week has both started and finished with fun themed days and it has been wonderful to see the children enjoying them to such an extent.
On Monday, we all wore odd socks at the beginning of Anti-Bullying week and my assembly was themed around the rationale for this - a visual way of showing that we are all different and that this should be celebrated. I appreciate that there are times where the children can be unkind to each other, and it is so important that as a community we do not tolerate this behaviour, but share with the staff where there these issues are occurring so that we can address them in a timely way.
Today, we all dressed up for Children in Need day, which again comes with an important message of the importance of supporting others who are less fortunate than us and celebrating the incredible work that so many people do in caring for others. Staff led the way, dressing up as pupils and following a fun Running Club session which finished with wacky relay races, the staff again were willing to make fools of themselves trying to keep up with John Johnny and his high tempo Zumba session in the Hall at breaktime, which all the children then joined in with! If you have not yet had the chance to sponsor us for our efforts and exertion, please can I ask you to do so HERE. We were hoping to raise an extra £250 for Children in Need and thanks to your generosity the current total stands at an amazing £510! The video evidence of the sillyness can be watched HERE.
Childnet Talks on Monday 21st November - Parent Session at 7pm
We look forward to Childnet visiting on Monday, when they will be talking to Years 1-6 in sessions throughout the day on the theme of E-Safety. There is a parent session in the evening which I would highly recommend you attend as it will be incredibly informative, with lots of practical advice as to how you can ensure your children are healthily and safely accessing the internet at home and what safety measures you should have in place. If you have not yet signed up to attend, please could you do so HERE at the earliest opportunity.
Meet the Head Coffee Morning - Headington - Friday 25th November
Following the success of the Shiplake Coffee Morning last week, we look forward to the visit of Caroline Jordan from Headington School (girls) on Friday morning. We were delighted to have parents representing a wide age range in attendance, and all are welcome at the upcoming talks, with it never being too early to start considering the different Senior School options. The following week, on Wednesday 30th November, Michael Windsor from Abingdon School (boys) will be visiting. To book in your attendance at either of these talks, please click HERE to register.
A round-up of the week
The Year 3 children had great fun at the Roald Dahl museum on Wednesday by all accounts. Thank you to all the parents who produced delicious offering for the cake sale on Thursday, which I gather raised £290. We also had the first of our Teatime concerts yesterday, for those children who have exams in the coming weeks. I was most impressed with the standard of the performances and many thanks to Mrs Pedley for organising it and for rehearsing with the children beforehand. I am about to go and watch the Under 8 fixtures this afternoon and am sure they will be keenly-contested matches, as were those on Wednesday involving the older children. It was super to again see so many of the children playing for Henley Hockey Club featured in a Henley Standard article this week, as well as mention of our children leading the way in the Chiltern Edge series - well done all!
I hope you have a restful weekend.
With best wishes,
Nick Armitage