13th September 2024

This week we supported Back British Farming Day which recognises British Farmers and celebrates the UK food and farming industry.
On Tuesday we decorated the canteen with beautifully coloured tractors courtesy of the Pre-Prep children and even used some of their toy tractors to bring a farming feel to the hall at lunch time.
In my Monday assembly I talked to the children about our school values, focusing particularly on the first of these which is Courage. I spoke about the extraordinary example the paralympic athletes set us with the courage and determination they show in the face of adversity and spoke about particular para-athletes in the fields of Taekwondo and Wheelchair Tennis. Courage sometimes means having the bravely to admit that you are not able to do something, and I gave the example of Simone Biles having decided to not take part in a number of gymnastics events at the Tokyo Olympics because she was not in the right place mentally.
Drop off and pick up
I would like to remind Pre-Prep parents that morning drop off is please via the Courtneys gate on Bell Lane, unless you are needing to come in through the Big Blue Door with older siblings. This is to avoid congestion in the main building and to give you easier access to the Pre-Prep classrooms. If you are using the Drop and Dash system in the morning, please can I also ask you to tuck your car in as much as you can off the road, so as to minimise disruption to the flow of traffic at this time.
Whilst the green outside the front of school is public property, please can I ask you to supervise your children if they are playing on it to minimise the damage to the lavender plants and also please do not let your children climb the trees beyond a safe height.
Prep parents, please make sure you check the sports schedule each day so you know where to pick your child up from at the end of the day, as the collection point varies if their last lesson is sport.
Cross County
It was wonderful to have 32 children, including a number of new pupils and parents, join us for Running Club this morning. The South Oxfordshire Schools Cross Country series starts this weekend with the first race taking place at Greys Court from 9am on Saturday. This is open to children in all year groups from Year 1 upwards. It is great fun and a good team event. Further races take place at Maiden Erleigh Chiltern Edge School once a month throughout the autumn and winter months. See below for more details and best of luck to everyone competing tomorrow!
Catholic church service at Stonor Chapel
There will be a family friendly Catholic church service at Stonor Chapel this Sunday (15th September) at 9.30am. The Stonors would like to welcome any Rupert House families who are interested to come along. For those coming, when you arrive please park at the Tumblestone Hollow Visitor car park and come to the chapel at the side of the house.
Best of luck to those running in the cross country at Greys Court tomorrow and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Henley Show and then at the Centenary Ball in the evening from 7pm.
With best wishes,
Nick Armitage