10th June 2022

I have enjoyed welcoming the children back from the half-term break and as I reflect on all that has occurred this week, it is clear that they have hit the ground running! All manner of trips have taken place, children are preparing for music and LAMDA exams and of course Matilda, the Year 6 children all had their second Try Rowing session at Henley Rowing Club and there have been a number of matches, all of which are in addition to the everyday business of school life.
It has also been a busy time for me as I have continued to build relationships with senior schools. I visited The Abbey and Reddam House in recent weeks, as well as continuing to forge closer links with 13+ Prep Schools in the area. I enjoyed visiting St Andrew's Pangbourne just before Half Term, and Ed Graham is very keen for our children to join him into Year 7, which is exactly what one of our Year 6 children is doing to gain some boarding experience before going into Year 9 at their chosen Senior School.
I attended a fascinating Head's Workshop at Eton College on Tuesday and I was at Stowe School last night for our termly IAPS District meeting. Talks at both schools gave me much food for thought, and it was very encouraging to hear both schools talk about the importance of Growth Mindset for academic and co-curricular achievement and also to inspire the next generation to be their very best. In fact, The Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning at Eton published a paper following the pioneering research they did on growth mindset and social relationships. The paper makes for fascinating reading and gives further credence to our positioning of it as being the most important learning behaviour for our children to develop.
Upcoming events
Little Welly - 11th & 12th June - best of luck to all those taking part this weekend!
Eco Day - 14th June - more details can be found below.
Reception to Year 1 Transition meeting (1.30-2.30pm) and Reception Show and Tell (2.30-3.15pm) - 15th June.
Sports Day - 17th June - more details can be found below.
Great School Run - 18th June - please do sign up if you have not yet done so. Ages 3-16 and parents can take part and more information can be found below.
I hope you and your family have a restful weekend and are able to enjoy the lovely weather.
Best wishes,
Nick Armitage, Head