10th December 2021

Chiltern Edge Cross Country
I must firstly mention the Cross Country event which took place last Saturday morning at Chiltern Edge school. In spite of the very cold conditions, there were some incredible team and individual achievements resulting in Rupert House coming first place overall – again! Well done to all the participants, parents and of course the Sports Department and the indefatigable Ms Nicholson without whom none of it would be possible.
Christmas Festivities
What a wonderfully festive week we have had at school. Our beautifully decorated windows have set the tone for everything behind the Big Blue Door (and do please remember to enter our Christmas Window Competition which closes on 14th December if you would like to).
The week began with dress rehearsals for both our Pre-Prep plays, culminating in two exceptional performances of each production on Wednesday and Thursday. Nursery and Reception charmed us with their contemporary twist of the traditional Nativity, featuring among their number, some seriously talented breakdancing camels in ‘We’re going on a Baby Hunt’. Years 1 and 2 were thrilling in their rendition of Peter Pan, transporting us to Neverland with some fabulous acting and the enjoyment they were all having on stage was clear to see. My thanks, as always, to all the staff who made these performances possible, to the parents for supporting with learning lines and providing costumes and of course to the children who were, as always, truly wonderful.
I’m sure you will all agree that our annual Carol Service held this afternoon at St Mary’s Church in Henley was a resounding success. All the readers and singers did themselves, and our school, proud and I am extremely grateful to Mrs Breen and all the staff for their efforts in putting the service together and, of course, to Father Jeremy for allowing us to hold the event in such a magnificent setting. Thank you also to all the parents and staff who joined the adult choir and we are planning further opportunities for them to sing in the future.
Santa on the Run
Looking ahead, I am greatly looking forward to the Santa on the Run event which takes place this Sunday from the Leander club – it will be wonderful to have as many of our School Community take part as possible and I hope to see you there. Please do ensure you have booked places by clicking on this link.
Tough Mudder
Further ahead still, many of our staff will be doing the Tough Mudder on the 22nd May as part of a Rupert House team and we would like as many Rupert House parents as would like to, to join us. If you are interested in participating, please email Jenny O at jovstedal@ruperthouse.oxon.sch.uk and do think about signing your children up for the Lidl Mudder – more information can be found here.
Staffing News
With a view to Miss Duffy taking over from Mrs Fletcher as Head of English from September, from January 2022, she will be teaching some of the English to Years 5 and 6, alongside Mrs Fletcher. There will be no change to her commitments as a Year 4 class teacher until September.
Pastoral Care
I am delighted that three more of our staff were keen to attend the recent two day Mental Health First Aid Course, which now means that we have five full trained Mental First Aiders on the staff in support of the children. In additional, Mrs Morley recently undertook a Drawing and Talking Therapy Course, which she will be offering in the New Year. More details will follow.
I wish you all a very merry weekend.
Best wishes,
Nick Armitage, Head